Years of Culture




Networking Event to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of USA-Qatar Diplomatic Relations

3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum

The US-Qatar Business Council (USQBC), Qatar Museums, and the U.S. Embassy in Qatar partnered to host a private networking event to commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the State of Qatar and the United States.

Qatar-USA Legacy

In his opening remarks, Qatar Museums CEO Ahmad Al Namla said, “Our two countries have long enjoyed a close partnership. Our aspiration for the Qatar-USA 2021 Year of Culture was to further strengthen our existing ties by enabling personal encounters between new generations of both countries. We sought to foster collaboration and spur creativity and curiosity so that the people of Qatar and the USA explore powerful new partnerships and inspire others".

10th Anniversary

A decade goes by quickly when you’re greeting the world.

This is the 10th Year of Culture. So many new ideas and collaborations have been created over the past decade from Qatar-Japan in 2012 until now, when for the first time, we're partnering with an entire region - MENASA. Here’s to many more years of connecting with old friends and friends to be.