Years of Culture



2022/03/24 - 2022/03/26

Passage to India

Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) Park

Indian Cultural Centre in coordination with the Qatar Museums, the Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) and the Embassy of India, Qatar is organising a mega event Passage to India 2022 - An Indian Community Festival' at Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) Park from Thursday, 24th March, Friday 25th March and Saturday, 26th March 2022 from 2pm to 11pm.

10th Anniversary

A decade goes by quickly when you’re greeting the world.

This is the 10th Year of Culture. So many new ideas and collaborations have been created over the past decade from Qatar-Japan in 2012 until now, when for the first time, we're partnering with an entire region - MENASA. Here’s to many more years of connecting with old friends and friends to be.