Years of Culture



DFI Japanese Cinema Showcase

Museum of Islamic Art (MIA)
Monthly Screenings, March to September 2012 

The Doha Film Institute (DFI) Japanese Cinema Showcase highlighted the diversity and richness of Japanese cinema through monthly film screenings open to the public in Doha throughout 2012.

Organised by the Doha Film Institute in association with the Museum of Islamic Art and the Japanese Embassy in Qatar, cinema showings were held on the last Thursday and Friday of every month from March to September during the Qatar-Japan 2012 Year of Culture.

Highlights from the film programme covered a range of genres from anime to samurai films and included works by some of Japan’s most acclaimed directors, Takashi Miike, Hayao Miyazaki, Yasujiro Ozu and others.

All ticket revenue from the event series was donated to the ROTA tsunami relief fund.